It’s time for a new way of doing business

21st century business means valuing people and our planet just as much as the bottom line

How will your company’s legacy be defined?

Policylink, JUST Capital, and FSG logos

Founded by PolicyLink, FSG, and JUST Capital, the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance believes in a future where everyone can participate fairly in our economy and democracy and access what they need to thrive.

We work with business leaders, workers, investors, community leaders, academics, public leaders, and many others to build a future where all businesses are contributing to making this positive future a reality. We bring deep expertise in racial and economic equity, inclusive and socially responsible business practices, and data-driven tools and insights. 

Our flagship initiative is the development of corporate performance standards to advance equity, inclusion, and socially responsible business practices. Learn more about our multi-year standards effort and join us on Monday, May 20th for the release of the draft standards!

The Case for Business Action

Businesses have long made the impossible possible. Alongside civil society and government they also have a leading role in cultivating a future where no one is left behind and everyone can thrive.

It’s time for a new way of doing business that values people and our planet just as much as the bottom line.

Advancing equity and inclusion, combating discrimination, and embodying the best of socially responsible business is the next critical endeavor for all businesses to pursue — not just because it is the right thing to do, but also to meet the expectations of stakeholders, increase business resilience and competitiveness, protect sustainable value creation, and secure a stable economy and democracy for generations to come.

Now is not the time to retreat; now is the time to make lasting progress. For businesses, their market relevance, competitiveness, and sustainability are on the line:

  • Our society is the most diverse in the world and it is growing even more richly diverse, with the US set to become a majority people-of-color nation by 2045.
  • Growing inequality is a systemic risk that affects everyone, including businesses, investors, and the very stability of our economy and democracy.
  • Workers, consumers, and investors alike expect greater business action on equity, inclusion, and socially responsible business practices.
  • The business and societal value proposition for doing so is stronger than ever, with study after study showing that advancing equity, inclusion, and socially responsible business practices are a source of strength and resilience for businesses, especially in challenging economic times.

Our Work

Many business leaders and investors are committed to transforming their practices to have a lasting positive impact, but are struggling with what to prioritize and how to make steady progress over time, especially in the current landscape.

The Corporate Racial Equity Alliance understands the realities of business and knows that this work has never been harder. That’s why we are supporting business leaders and investors by providing actionable guidance on how to navigate the current realities and making lasting positive change. 

Learn more about how our work powers a new way of doing business.

Our Partners

Working in partnership across sectors is key to our success. Join us in taking bold action that inspires change to last generations by learning more about partnership opportunities.

Thank you to our partners.